
The village of Miykovtsi was once again a center for technological fun

For the 10th time, Neven Boyanov from Tinusaur leads a robotics and electronics academy in the Elensky Balkan

The 10th Academy of Robotics and Electronics held Tinusaur in Elenski Balkan. It took place for the seventh year in a row in the village of Miykovtsi as part of the annual Summer Academy organized by the University for Kids.

The one-week activities brought together students of ages 9 through 17. They were from all over the country, as well as children of Bulgarians living abroad. The robotics academy’s keynote speaker every year is Neven Boyanov, who teaches teenagers how to assemble miniature computers with their hands and then program them.

This summer, participants created their own computer melodies by controlling sensors. As a result of the knowledge gained during the training, they developed exciting projects:

– solar battery charging station with automatic pointing to the sun;

– a parking system with a barrier that automatically detects cars and counts them;

– alarm system with a laser sensor;

– a robotic car that moves along a predetermined route.

Each of the projects has a practical application and is a prototype of a real product. After completing them, the children presented them to their “fellow academics”, explaining what they had created, what it could be used for, and how they would develop it further in the future.

Summer academy robotics Tinusaur Miykovtsi

In addition to the theoretical and practical activities, students eagerly participated in career-oriented games. Divided into groups, they were tasked with establishing their virtual company and product. They determined the pricing of the selected products and drew up a business plan. Undoubtedly, the most exciting was the defense of the projects before a special jury, which played the role of a virtual investor.

Not just an academy, but a summer adventure for inquisitive kids

The Robotics and Electronics Summer Academy offered not only valuable practical and analytical skills but also stress-relieving activities – playing with water balloons, racing with drones, etc. Every year, many students from all over the country participate in this non-standard form of learning in nature. Accommodated in a comfortable hotel base, with food provided, they learn and have fun and create friendships and wonderful memories, which they supplement with new emotions every year.

Summer academy robotics Tinusaur Miykovtsi
Summer academy robotics Tinusaur Miykovtsi

Until the end of the year, Tinusaur will hold more similar academies in the mountain village of Miykovtsi and other places. The next “Tinusaur” stop is Pleven. There, Neven Boyanov will lead the robotics and electronics activities of students from the Veliko Tarnovo “Science and Mathematics High School”.

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