
You already have one of the Tinusaur products,
and wondering where to start.

You have come to the right place!


Assembling the boards
First, you need to assemble the boards – with a soldering iron. You can find detailed manuals for each kit on the Guides page.


Software installation
To be able to upload the programs you have written from your computer to the Tinusaur microcontroller board, you need software. You can find more detailed information on how to do this on the Windows Tools page.


Programming in Blocktinu
Start writing programs for Tinusaur using our Blocktinu software development platform. We recommend that you install the software while assembling the boards so that you can test the main board to see if it was assembled correctly.

Check the links below if you’ve ordered your kit from another website, such as RobotShop or Amazon.

Tinusaur Starter EDU Gen:4 mk-I Amazon

Tinusaur Starter EDU Gen:4 mk-I Amazon

Tinusaur Starter EDU User Guide. Choose from the list the package that you'd like to work with.
Tinusaur Starter EDU Gen:4 mk-I RobotShop

Tinusaur Starter EDU Gen:4 mk-I RobotShop

Tinusaur Starter EDU User Guide. Choose from the list the package that you'd like to work with.

Check out our Tutorial page and learn more about programming microcontrollers.

Sample Products ABCDEF111111

Where can you get the most current product information?

Most of our products have a sticker on their package with a QR code you can scan. It will take you to a special page with the most current information about the package.

You can also go to and enter the SKU.

Scan QR Code
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