This Week in History of Computing

Joseph Kruskal
Joseph Kruskal

On 29th January, 1928 was born Joseph Bernard Kruskal. He was an American mathematician, statistician, computer scientist and psychometrician. In computer science, his best known work is Kruskal’s algorithm for computing the minimal spanning tree (MST) of a weighted graph. The algorithm first orders the edges by weight and then proceeds through the ordered list adding an edge to the partial MST provided that adding the new edge does not create a cycle. Minimal spanning trees have applications to the construction and pricing of communication networks.

Irma Wyman
Irma Wyman

On January 31, 1928 was born Irma Wyman. She was was an early computer engineer and the first woman to become vice president of Honeywell, Inc. She was a systems thinking tutor and was the first female CIO of Honeywell.

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