Package contents
- Tinusaur Board
Tinusaur microcontroller board with ATtiny85 on it (1 MHz, 8-bit RISK CPU, 8KB Flash, 512B RAM, 512B EEPROM) along with all electronic components for its stable operation, battery, and programming connector - Tinusaur Shield LEDx2
Additional shield board with 2 LEDs, 2 resistors, and headers; - Tinusaur Shield EDUx3IO
Additional shield board with LED, photoresistor, buzzer button, 2 resistors, and headers; - USB programmer
USBasp programmer with cable.
Once assembled, the microcontroller boards can be programmed with our own Blocktinu development environment. This is done in two ways – by block programming or by writing code in the C language. There is a third possibility, using the Arduino development environment.
IMPORTANT: This kit contains everything you need to program it. Note that you will also need a soldering iron that is not part of this package. If you still don’t have a soldering iron, take a look at the Tinusaur Starter Super package, which contains, in addition to the boards from this kit, a soldering iron, and additional tools.
Stand Wood SED Gen:4 mk-I
Stand Wood SED (Starter EDU) Gen:4 mk-I ver-4.0 2020-10-06
SKU Entry: 5KEUV6
This information was fetched from the Tinusaur Products Registry Database