Choose from the list below the tutorial that you’d like to look at.
Connecting 2 Boards - for Beginners
How to write the code to connect 2 Tinusaur boards - for beginners?
This tutorial is written specifically for Tinusaur...
Connecting 2 Tinusaur Boards Gen:4 mk-I
How to connect 2 Tinusaur boards with Shield boards on them using 2 wires?
This tutorial is written specifically for...
Connecting 2 Tinusaur Boards Gen:4 mk-II
How to connect 2 Tinusaur boards with Shield boards on them using 3 wires?
This tutorial is written specifically for...
Input / Output Ports - LEDs
How do we connect LEDs to an ATtiny85 microcontroller and work with them by manipulating the Input/Output ports through...
Power Supply Voltage Measure on ADC0 / RESET / PB5
Measure the power supply voltage connected to an ATtiny85 microcontroller using the ADC0 analog input while retaining the...
MAX7219 ← ATtiny85 Interface for LED Matrix 8x8
What’s our goal?
To connect a MAX7219 based LED Matrix module to an ATtiny85 microcontroller and control the L...
MAX7219 ← ATtiny85 for Multiple LED Matrices
In our previous tutorial, we discussed how to create an interface between the ATtiny85 microcontroller and MAX7219...