
Tinusaur Board Gen:4 mk-II

Tinusaur Board Gen:4 mk-II

Tinusaur Main Board. Below you will find a guide on how to assemble your kit. The files are in PDF format and can be downloaded.

Tinusaur Board Gen:4 mk-II

Tinusaur Board Gen:4 mk-II

Tinusaur main microcontroller board with ATtiny85 on it (1 MHz, 8-bit RISK CPU, 8KB Flash, 512B RAM, 512B EEPROM) along with all electronic components for its stable operation, battery, and programming connector.

Tinusaur Board Gen:4 mk-I

Tinusaur Board Gen4

Tinusaur Main Board User Guide. Find a guide on how to assemble your kit. The files are in PDF format and can be downloaded.

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