Shield PROTOx80 Gen:3 mk-I

Shield PROTOx80 Gen:3 mk-I

The add-on board (also called a shield) PROTOx80 is a set of a prototype board with two headers. This board would be useful if you want to create your own projects based on the Tinusaur platform.

$0.89 Order

The PROTOx80 board is an excellent addition to the Tinusaur kit and will allow you to learn even more about both electronics and programming.

Shield PROTOx80

Once assembled, this board can be programmed with our own Blocktinu development environment. This can be done in two ways – by block programming or by writing code in the C language. There is a third option, using the Arduino development environment.

IMPORTANT: To use this shield board, you must also have a Tinusaur main board, as it is mounted on top of it.

Package contents

  • PCB
  • Headers – 2 pcs.

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