This Week in History of Computing


This week in the column “History of computing”: Marvin Minsky; Apple Computrers Launches the Macintosh’Apple Computers introduces the Lisa;

This Week in History of Computing


On January 13, 1874 The US Patent Office issues a patent for the Spalding Adding Machine. The precursor of calculators and computers, mechanical adding machines could do simple arithmetic and were popular in businesses until supplanted by computers in the 1960s. On January 14, 1919 was born Nathaniel Rochester. He was an American computer …   Learn more …

This Week in History of Computing


On January 3, 2018 computer security experts have discovered two major security flaws in the microprocessors inside nearly all of the world’s computers. The two problems, called Meltdown and Spectre, could allow hackers to steal the entire memory contents of computers, including mobile devices, personal computers, and servers running in so-called cloud computer networks. On …   Learn more …

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