DAY FIVE of the Tinusaur Summer Course: The students continued to care for the plants already planted, watering them and adding more soil to the pots. We learned about the purpose of liquid fertilizer and the proportions for diluting it with water, and we added it to our plantings.

We have started assembling the water containers and the necessary hoses and filters for the irrigation.
We had to get the soldering irons out again to finish the Addon DRIVx1 board and prepare cables and the connector for the pump.

All this creates a dynamic and variety during classes. The children take turns in several different activities, and the time passes imperceptibly.

Their teacher, Sofia Boyanova, says that for the first time some children have the opportunity to grow and care for a plant, to see how an irrigation system works and most importantly – to create an autonomous irrigation system themselves. Neven Boyanov is also present during classes and helps students when needed.