Tinusaur Summer Course – Day 3

DAY THREE of the Tinusaur Summer Course. It was time to plant the seedlings in the pots, and it was one of the most awaited moments for the children.

Neven Boyanov showed them in detail how to put the seedlings in the pots, plant them, and water them. Everyone then arranged their plants in the shade and anxiously waited to see the next day if the basil had taken hold.

Then, it was time to solder the Shield AGROx3 and Addon DRIVx1 boards and learn about the new electronic components in them.

Their teacher, Sofia Boyanova, shared that the lesson went very smoothly, and the children had the most fun while planting the seedlings in the pots.

Now that the boards are assembled and the plants are planted, the students will begin programming in the coming days.

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